Innovative Incentive Tours Driving Team Success


Streamlining Transformative Incentive Tours for Enhanced Team Engagement

Our dedicated and professional team works closely with clients to plan and organize events, delivering the desired results and customer satisfaction.


15+ Years of Experience

Facilitating seamless trade fair tours is essential for maximizing networking opportunities and fostering productive interactions. Clear communication and effective planning are key in these dynamic environments. It begins with defining clear tour goals tailored to specific objectives such as exploring new markets, showcasing innovations, fostering partnerships, or enhancing industry visibility. Scheduling tours in advance and sharing detailed itineraries ensures that all participants are well-prepared and aligned for a successful event experience.

Selecting optimal tour venues amidst the lively trade fair atmosphere and ensuring technological readiness for presentations or virtual interactions are critical logistical factors. Engaging participants through insightful discussions and attentive listening fosters meaningful interactions and strengthens professional relationships.

Service Details

What You Get in This Service


Planning Incentive Programs:

With the requests and requirements given from our client, RTT will propose the most suitable incentive program from the concept to the detailed planning of the event.

Greeting Services:

RTT offers greeting services upon arrival at the airport or at hotel which would be greatly effective to enhance the guests’ feelings and also to show the hospitality to guests.



Tour Desk:

Throughout the period of event, RTT will set up tour desks to provide the necessary information and to support guests.

Party Planning, Arrangement And Management:

From welcome and farewell receptions to stately ceremonies and President Dinners, RTT can assist you with the planning, arrangement, and management of parties including the selection of venue, ideas for party concepts, and the direction of the party on site.




With RTT, there is no need to worry about creating shuttle bus schedules and routes from the event venue and airport to lodging sites. On-site staff will ensure the safe and smooth movement of attendees throughout the event.

VIP Services:

RTT will be able to provide attentive care to your VIPs as well as management of their schedule.



Activity Planning And Management:

RTT can help arrange technical visits to related facilities, short excursions, cultural experiences, team building programs, and spouse programs.

On-Site Operation Staff:

RTT’s experienced staff will be on-site throughout the event to provide smooth and safe operation of the tour.



Commemorative Items And Gifts:

RTT can help provide the commemorative items and gifts for the guests.

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